Uden Pilates
Our virtual studio is a place for you to carve out time for yourself in your daily life. Through sessions as short as 10 minutes and as long as an hour, this online library of classes gives you the ability to move your body whenever and wherever you want to.
Uden Virtual Studio
Get streaming access to all the content and all future releases. Pilates after all is not just about the exercises - it is an art and a science, a study of movement ' that prepares you for the unexpected' and is expressed in how we sit, how we stand, how we move. It is a philosophy, a method and a way of life.
Who's it for?
Pilates and our Virtual Studio is for EVERYONE, whatever your shape, size, life stage and ability, our platform meets you wherever you are on your journey and guides you to where you want to go.
Why Should You Join
If you want to feel more awareness in your body and mind. If you are looking to build alignment, core strength, coordination, balance, stability and flexibility. If you are after specialist Prenatal and Postnatal classes and to be part of a supportive mama community If you are wanting the flexibility to practice anytime, anywhere.